Laboratory analyses


We offer analysis services for the various Lifeanalytics Units: EHS, Product Safety, Cosmetics & Medical Devices, Food and Engineering. 

The activity of analysis within Lifeanalytics is subdivided by business unit and is structured on the basis of high sector-specific competence centres and operative support laboratories.

This form of organisation allows us to guarantee respect for the quality standards and timing agreed with our clients.

Within Lifeanalytics, we foster growth among our employees in order to ensure a team of competent and up-to-date professionals who are able to use the innovative technology and advanced instrumentation available in order to always be on the cutting edge in guaranteeing quality data.

The quality of our laboratory services is also guaranteed by attentive and meticulous sampling, which plays an essential role as it influences the outcome of the analyses and referencing. 



Certification and Accreditation
