Honey and apiculture products
Honey is a natural substance that honeybees, Apis Mellifera, make from plant nectar. Apiculture is an evolving sector that also plays an essential role within the ecosystem; bees are also fundamental in protecting the environment and biodiversity, vital for the reproduction of wild plants, and for agricultural production as they are part of the pollinating insects, without which many plants are unable to produce fruits or seeds.
There are ever more stringent measures in place to protect them, and to combat the sale of fake honey, as is the case with Italian Legislative Decree 179/2004, which imposes the marketing of a genuine product that is unadulterated and free of falsifications, without the addition of any alimentary ingredient, additive or other product.
News from the "Breakfast Directive" - EU Directive 2024/1438:
- Increased checks aimed at protecting consumer interests;
- Limiting as much as possible the fraud related to adulterated products that do not match the designation of "honey";
- Allowing the validation of information provided about the origin and quality of honey;
- Ensuring maximum transparency.
The main analyses applicable to honey are:
- Chemical analysis: detects residues of veterinary drugs, contaminants, pesticides, and sugar content;
- Authenticity analysis: using accredited methods and state-of-the-art equipment such as isotopic mass spectrometry;
- Microbiological analysis: detects the presence of spoilage and/or pathogenic microorganisms;
- Sensory analysis and/or consumer tests: with trained judges and accredited methods.
Our experts and our laboratories provide support to companies with advanced and accredited solutions. They can draw on advanced instrumentation and analytical techniques that offer reliable data to protect the authenticity of honey and provide specific consultancy on understanding the data and to assist companies.