
In-vitro and in-vivo skin models for the selection of ingredients for suncare products.

We help cosmetic companies to choose safe and effective ingredients for their suncare products. To this end, we use in-vitro and in-vivo skin models to assess the effectiveness and the safety of a range of ingredients.


In-vitro skin models:
  • These are replicas of the structure and function of human skin in a controlled environment.
  • They allow economical and rapid testing of a wide range of ingredients.
  • They provide information on:
    • the penetration of ingredients into the skin.
    • the toxicity of the ingredients.
    • the effects of the ingredients on cell proliferation and cell death.
    • the effects of the ingredients on collagen and elastin production.


In-vivo skin models:
  • These use human skin taken from patients who have undergone surgery or from deceased donors.
  • These allow the safety and effectiveness of the ingredients to be tested in a more realistic environment.
  • They provide information on:
    • the effectiveness of the ingredients in protecting the skin from UV damage.
    • the effects of the ingredients on skin pigmentation.
    • the effects of the ingredients on skin immune response.


Personalised in-vitro testing:
  • We offer a personalised in-vitro testing service to assess the effect of suncare product ingredients on**:
    • photoaging
    • UV protection
    • blue light
    • infra-red radiation


Our services help cosmetics companies to:
  • develop safe and effective suncare products.
  • reduce the time and the cost of product development.
  • satisfy consumer demands in terms of safety and performance.


In addition to the above, we can also:
  • provide consultancy on the choice of ingredients for suncare products.
  • carry out stability and shelf-life studies on suncare products.
  • offer support for the registration of suncare products.

With our experience and our cutting-edge skin models, we can help you to create high-quality suncare products that satisfy the demands of your clients.

tecnico di laboratorio dotato di guanti in che tiene in mano un barattolo di crema per la protezione solare per effettuare le analisi dedicate al mercato suncare