Seafood sector

The seafood industry is a complex sector, with regulations varying from country to country and subject to constant amendments to guarantee the quality, safety and sustainability of the products marketed. Our experts offer support to sector companies through training, consultancy and constant regulatory updating pursuant to Regulation (EC) no. 2406/96, as well as offering a full range of analytical solutions for the verification of product quality, allowing sector companies to market fish and derivatives that are free of pollutants, parasites, emergent contaminants (PFAS and microplastics), allergens and much more.

Among the main analyses that can be performed on seafood products, we include:

  • Microbiological analysis: detect the presence of potential pathogenic bacteria and viruses using accredited methods and state-of-the-art equipment (MALDI-TOF);
  • Chemical analysis: detect residues of veterinary drugs, contaminants and pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, allergens, and toxins;
  • Nutritional analysis;
  • Sensory analysis: through Panel Test and/or Consumer Test;
  • Histological analysis: verify the authenticity of the product and the identification of defrosted fish;
  • Shelf Life studies: to evaluate the period during which the product can maintain its characteristics if stored under recommended conditions;
  • Challenge test.
operatore intento a portare un pesce in laboratorio per effettuare le analisi dedicate al settore ittico