Baby food, novel food, food supplements

Our experts support and guarantee the quality and safety of food products both for companies producing baby food and for those that have chosen to follow market trends by developing new items.

To this end, we offer a package of analytical, sensory, consultation and training services specifically created for companies operating in the baby food, novel food and food supplement markets.

Verification of food safety, allergens, stability and shelf life, as well as the creation of nutritional labelling and claims and the assessment of their compliance are just some of the services offered to companies operating in these sectors, guaranteeing the safety of these food products and their nutritional suitability in compliance with current regulations. 

Latte in polvere in contenitore di latta, misurino e all’interno di un biberon pronto per raccogliere il campionamento per le analisi di laboratorio su baby food, novel food o integratori alimentari.