Nuts and dried fruits

In recent years, the consumption of nuts and dried fruit has increased considerably, and it is now essential that companies protect these products from chemical and microbiological risks, as well as validate their relative organoleptic qualities.

Among the main analyses that can be conducted on these foods, we list:

  • Microbiological analysis: these detect the presence of potential pathogenic bacteria using accredited methods and state-of-the-art equipment (MALDI-TOF);
  • Chemical analysis: to detect residues of veterinary drugs, contaminants and pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, allergens, and mycotoxins;
  • Sensory analysis: through Panel Test and/or Consumer Test;
  • Nutritional analysis;
  • Shelf Life studies: to assess the period during which the product can maintain its characteristics if stored under recommended conditions.

Our experts offer support to the various entities that produce, process, distribute and commercialise nuts through analytical, sensory and consultancy services in order to guarantee respect for precise standards regarding the hygiene and safety of products pursuant to Regulation (EC) no. 852/2004 and Regulation (EC) no. 1881/2006.


Campione pieno di pistacchi su bancone di laboratorio pronto per effettuare le analisi chimiche e microbiologiche dedicate e frutta a guscio e frutta secca