
Our specialists offer a wide range of laboratory and sensory analyses, consultation and training on pet products, guaranteeing their safety and quality.
The main services offered include analysis to determine nutritional information, tests to verify product stability (shelf life), sensory analysis and consultancy services to define the labels to be placed on products.

We primarily offer services in microbiological analysis (for the detection of pathogenic bacteria); parasitological analysis; hematological and biochemical analysis; and monitoring and surveillance analysis to monitor the prevalence of certain diseases within an animal population, especially in intensive farming contexts.

These analyses are crucial for accurate diagnosis and monitoring the health of companion animals, allowing veterinarians to provide preventive care, diagnose diseases early, and manage chronic conditions effectively.

We provide support to clients for compliance with current laws, Italian Legislative Decree Regulation (EC) no. 767/2009, and Regulation (EC) no. 183/2005, with the aim of protecting and safeguarding animal health and protecting businesses.

Tecnico di laboratorio intento ad esaminare delle provette contenenti diverse tipologie di alimenti per animali da compagnia, tra cui crocchette e cibo in scatola