Cereals and derivatives

Cereals are agricultural products belonging to the family of Gramineae. Their protection and the verification of the presence of pollutants, contaminants, allergens, GMO and toxins, as well as the certification of their authenticity, are just some of the services that our consultants offer companies in the sector. They are essential ingredients in many foods, for both human and animal use.

Among the main analyses that can be conducted on these products, we list:

  • Chemical analysis: identifies residues of veterinary drugs, contaminants, pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, allergens, and mycotoxins;
  • Nutritional analysis;
  • Microbiological analysis: detects the presence of potential pathogenic bacteria;
  • Sensory analysis: through Panel Test and/or Consumer Test;
  • GMO detection;
  • Histological analysis: verifies the authenticity of the product;
  • Shelf Life and stability studies: to evaluate the period during which the product can maintain its characteristics if stored under recommended conditions.

Regulatory and consultancy services complete the range of support activities that we offer our clients in order to ensure that they are constantly up to date with regulations and in line with legal requirements, and we assess compliance with the requirements for organic production as defined by specific standards.

in mano a un operatore è presente una provetta piena di cereali e derivati pronta per le analisi di laboratorio